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The North West Highlands Geopark Pebble Routes

Self-guided driving or cycling tour

An adventure in the depths of the wild west coast awaits. Journey along the Pebble Routes of the North West Highlands Geopark on wheels. Embark on a self-guided tour and discover small rural communities and hidden treasures around the ancient Coigach, North Assynt, Kinlochbervie, Scourie, Tongue and Durness.

  • Available all year round
  • Routes are suitable for cars or bikes
  • Includes a luxury picnic for drivers or a delicious, packed lunch for cyclists
  • Includes essential Pebble Routes pack and leaflets

Your Pebble Routes pack gives you all the information you will need for your journey, including leaflets, simple geological maps, photographs, information on the landscape, culture, history, geology and other useful tourist information. All of this is zipped up in a bespoke and easily transportable wallet that you can take on the road with you.

Booking & Pricing

Our North West Highlands Geopark Pebble Routes package is available to book all year round. Speak to our team for pricings and plan your voyage today.